Part 8:

Titles & Salary Levels

With our first employee hired in 2022, we still have plenty of room to grow. But we want to immediately establish levels at the company in order for employees to know where they stand in their career paths and understand their salaries and levels.

  • Contributors // Level 1 salary

  • Managers // Level 2 salary

  • Directors // Level 3 salary

  • Executives // Level 4 salary

We are under the mindset that specific titles for roles here are far less important than knowing where you stand in your career development, so specific titles can be decided on a role-specific basis with you and your direct manager.

It’s important that you as an employee aren’t expected to take any career path; there is no expectation or requirement to move any level in any form at any particular schedule. Instead, we wanted these levels to be published so everyone at NewClub knows where they stand in their career.